Master (LL.M) in International Law

Master (LL.M) in International Law


To expose the participants to this broad spectrum of international issues, they can choose to specialise in any of three areas of international law by following its 'specialisation courses' in addition to the requisite core courses. These areas of specialisation are Human Rights & Humanitarian Law, International Trade Law, and Maritime Law.

 Programme Requirements

6 core courses, 4 specialization courses, 2 elective courses

Core Courses

  1. Law Research Methodology
  2. International Dispute Resolution
  3. The Law of the United Nations & Regulation of the Use of Force 
  4. International Environmental Law
  5. Foundation of International Law
  6. Islamic International Law

Specialization Courses

1. Human Rights & Humanitarian Law

  • International Human Rights Law
  • International Criminal Law
  • International Humanitarian Law 
  • Human Rights in Islam 

2. International Trade Law 

  • The Law of the World Trade Organization: The General Framework 
  • International Trade Law
  • International Commercial Arbitration 
  • The Law of the World Trade Organization: Special Issues 

3. Maritime Law

  • Shipping Law
  • International Marine Environmental Law
  • International Law of the Sea
  • Carriage of Goods by Sea

Elective Courses

  1. Global Issues in Islamic Banking & Finance
  2. Women's Rights and Gender Issues
  3. Law of International Institutions
  4. Private International Law
  5. International Labour Law
Duration of Study
Full-time 1 year (3 semesters)
Part-time 2 years (6 semesters)
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