Master in Administration of Islamic Law

Master in Administration of Islamic Law


This programme is designed to produce professionals who are qualified in Shari'ah law to serve the judicial and legal services in the Muslim world. It aims to develop capable practitioners who have a mastery of the various aspects of the administration of Islamic Law and the ability to critically view them from conventional and Islamic perspectives. Up-to-date discussions on developments in the field of administration of Islamic Law, etc. is a prominent feature of this programme.

 Programme Requirements

8 core courses    2 elective courses

Core Courses

  1. Administration of Islamic Affairs
  2. Contemporary Issues in Islamic Jurisprudence
  3. Law Research Methodology Alternative Dispute Resolution in Islamic Law
  4. Principle of Islamic Finance
  5. International Law and Its Impact on Administration of Islamic Law
  6. Al-Siyasah Al-Shar'iyyah
  7. Administration of Islamic Judiciary

Elective Courses

  1. Islamic Textual Study (Arabic)
  2. Islamic Legal Maxims and Their Contemporary Application
  3. Islamic Wealth Management
  4. Islamic Family Law
Duration of Study
Full-time 1 year (3 semesters)
Part-time 2 years (6 semesters)
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